Coming Full-Circle, Again
In the months leading up to launching this blog and my web-radio show, I had been on something of a search for folks who might offer me wisdom and guidance during a time I felt confused and adrift. You’ve met and heard some of them on the program.
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I would like to learn to ask permission. With my teenage son Jordy, it would be at those times when I want to lecture or make a point, or teach a lesson, and I would actually do well to ask his permission first.
This week, as I prepare to offer a training class on CHANGE MANAGEMENT for a local municipal client, I am aware of the changes all around me, and how much I need to keep in mind the challenges that this can cause.
In my ‘day job’ delivering training and development for folks in the workplace, I’ve had a lot interest in my workshop on the topic of Time Management. Back when I worked with an instructional designer to create this class, she suggested that I read the lyrics of the Harry Chapin song “Cats in the Cradle,” to bring home the point of the course.
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